Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 29th, 2010

Bugger. Looks like @cshirky at @wshed tomorrow night is sold out.

via Echofon

Grr. Why don’t paragraphs work inside blockquotes on MediaWiki? *grumble*

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Ooh, iOS 4 added a rotation lock feature on my 3GS. Handy. (It’s on the iPod quick controls; double-tap Home and swipe right.)

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@hayles It’ll be handy. Not that I’m such a geek that the first thing I do in the morning is read my mail in bed. Oh no. Not me.

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Yay! This summer’s books for reading under trees on nice days have arrived :)

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@mistymaria @asic69 @KaveyF ah, finally understood. Bear in mind that not knowing who his is means I don’t recognise him when I see him!

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Gah. Just had one of those http://domainillneverfuc… moments of wistfulness.

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@hannahnicklin Guessing either (a) previous feedback will have refined the plastic choice; or (b) it leaves no evidence when it goes up.

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@jukesie ooh. I _may_ have seen them in one of the two stationers on Park Street and the Triangle. They’re a standard Avery label, I think.

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@jukesie …but even if I’m remembering right, it was months ago, so don’t go out of your way without phoning!

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@hayles @jukesie I normally end up hitting wrong one first no matter what I need!

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@howiescardigan Are we about to see a discounted brown tie-dye range?

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@dottyteakettle what was the problem, though? Poor comic timing?

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@chrisphin Tried re-applying the combo update? It’s the kind of voodoo that seems to work for odd stuff like that.

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2867AD. Delighted British archaeologists discover Windows Vista upgrade layer perfectly preserved below a seal of polyester England flags.

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@hayles It’s like new car syndrome. Since your post about those cool bikes I’m seeing them everywhere!

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@chrisphin I have never needed to do that on a Mac. It’s one of the joys of it not being Windows, for me. Have I just been really lucky?

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@hayles Oh, hadn’t realised it was early. Get you, all prepared with a queue and everything. I never write anything in advance…

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halvorson Muphry’s Law: “If you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault in what you have written”

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@hayles I need more bursts of writing stuff.

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Anyway. Yay! Tomorrow is the last day of my week. Took Thursday and Friday off, mostly just because I could.

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@MitchBenn There’s surely little chance for confusion, bearing in mind the number of footballers who can write.

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@tomfordyce Surely he’s _far_ more Rene from ‘Allo ‘Allo?

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@Jorence Top tip: always wake up as many times as you fall asleep.

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