@philmonger is that the sound of someone drowning in spam follower requests I hear?
@irishbelle2001 Congratulations!
@wilshipley Are you still using that thing when Dropbox exists? Loving the fact I can reliably sync Scrivener docs at last. #fuckingidisk
@KaveyF we want to see you jars!
The iPhone has many limitations, but perhaps the most serious is its inability to read the alt-text on xkcd.com.
Support #welovetheNHS, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - http://twibbon.com/join/…
#welovethenhs Heck, I work for a private healthcare company, and _I_ love the NHS!
#welovetheNHS even though the NHS advised my mother not to have me! Was best advice for her - she had MS and the NHS looked after her well.
…(still quite glad she decided to ignore that bit of advice, mind!)
I used Shazam to discover Acid Tongue by Jenny Lewis #shazam
@tweeny4 Hrm. Cider fondue. Could work, that.
(Fondu? Heck, I can’t spell.)
@KaveyF Neither are you!
@hayles How can you not _know_? Youngster.
@hayles Not that I’m a huge fan — The Fields of the Nephilim are my particular gothic poison — but hey…
@hayles okay, I’ll let you off.
*sings* “A spoonful of miracles/A nostril full of dust/ a lungful of Virginia/the needs we have we must”