@talkie_tim You _deal_ with those? I plan to ignore mine until there’s not enough life left to change. Far too scary.
@ahnlak Naturally, old chap. Don’t you?
@ahnlak Really, though: remember my folding iPod dock, and how it squawks when a phone is within a mile of it? Now plug an iPhone into it…
@Swishrelic On the other hand, there’s a chance you’ll enjoy it more. Next year I’m going to go to a dawn balloon launch just to _watch_ :)
@jacrats I believe they call those “programmes”.
Just walked up to Ashton Court. Holy moly, it’s hot!
Balls. Came up for the RAF parachute team, but they’ve been shuffled to 4pm. Will burn if I stay!
Medical emergency: get me a bath, stat!
Oh, and nurse? Ready me 20cc of bath foam concentrate and prep an ice-based beverage for post-op.
@paulahillier Went a couple of times. Think I may have got one or two good pictures, but it’s going to take a lot of weeding out to find ‘em
Yowch. Teensy bit burned. Time to moisturise, he said, in an exceptionally masculine voice.
Gah! You see, this is why men shouldn’t be let loose with product. Note to self: next time, moisturise _after_ opening the screw-top drink.
@TheLloydClan Well, it’d be cosy, but I’m sure it would be entertaining to try :)
@paulahillier Customer Service awards. Went okay, considering it was my first time using a flashgun… Nothing special, though.
@KaveyF Shopping listed, ta.
@talkie_tim That’s more like it. I don’t feel quite so inadequate now.
Just popped up a few Balloon Fiesta pics: http://bit.ly/B4rEH
@hayles are they the right mistakes, though?
@hayles Well, still think you could be doing better than average. The mistakes I made at 27 made the ones I made at 17 seem pretty small.
@hayles well, if you can figure out what it should do, I could have a go at writing it…
@hayles …my luvver.
Ooopsie. I was going to bed an hour ago. Night all!
Okay, up and feeling far more bouncy than yesterday. Time to shower, tidy the flat, process some photos, and go up to Ashton Court for l …
(…unch, I was going to say. Didn’t know TweetDeck sent anyway, if it was over the word count. Grr! All it needed to trim was a full stop!)
@amandapalmer Forget the explanation. That’s just such a brilliant morning photograph! http://twitpic.com/d9epq
Grr. With the new firmware, my iPhone won’t go into airplane mode when I connect it to and old dock, and say “yes” when it asks.