Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 26th, 2009

Bugger. New microphone is faulty. I hate having to return stuff.

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@jacrats I forgot to ask him how it worked out!

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Thanks, but I bet someone who really could teach me to master Photoshop in two hours could also make an advert that didn’t look like arse.

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Hotwell Road: Two police cars, five policemen, and a busful of people being transferred from one bus to a replacement. Odd.

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Foot still quite hurty. Hope it holds up for today’s run.

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@AndyCarolan Your target audience is clearly bored people in a staid corporate environment, hence IE6. Bet Scott Adams has same problem!

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@WilHarris you’re getting confused by namespaces, and I claim my £5!

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@DrHairbear *grin* well, didn’t actually suggest the bleach to my colleague. Think he’s about to wash his hands with a spoon…

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@seengee yes, I’d say UTF-8 all round is probably best bet. Won’t really be any overhead, anyway.

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Ta all! summary of garlic-removing options: parsley, bleach, soap+nailbrush, lemon, milk, stainless steel. Will try those we have!

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Hey, cooking followers: any tips for removing garlic smell from hands the morning after? Colleague just asked…

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Gah. Hour-long business briefing. Might start planning my days off to coincide…

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