@caffeinebomb Sometimes, you have to ignore your system, ignore worries about inefficiency, and Just Get On With Anything. Build momentum.
@caffeinebomb Surely it can’t be a bad thing if your downward spiral has ground to a halt? Now do five minutes of anything you need to do.
May not need to go out again this weekend.
Home to find a copy of Sowerby and Luff’s _Sex Tips for Pandas_, _The Rainbow_ from LoveFilm, and this month’s .net magazine on doormat.
Now going to drop by CREATE on way home to check out photo exhibition.
@wshed lovely as ever, thanks!
Post-trip lunch in the lovely Watershed. Mmm bolognaise!
I’ve got that sinking feeling. They’re just emptying the lock! http://twitpic.com/du82y
Curses. River trip busy, and all outside seats taken.
@zamon going to be a river trip. What I shoot very light-dependent.-
Yum. Someone just drove past in the other end of the beautiful car-design spectrum: E-type Jag.
Hmm. Weather so unsettled I have no idea what lenses to pack for the day.
@goatgirl74 I bought my Cinquecento from eBay for £500. It lasted two years, and I got £250 trade-in for it :) Bangertastic!
@goatgirl74 I recommend finding out about your local dealer first though, before buying FIAT. Some of their dealers are utterly awful.
@goatgirl74 I had a Cinquecento for a while and it was fab, in its own small, tinny and cheap way :)
Aww. Fiat 500s really are lovely little cars. Great design.