@DrHairbear Think it’s some strange satanic ritual. Has actually happened on two separate occasions. Third time, I may have to kill them.
Gah. Noisy Upstairs Neighbour is having a party. Last time this happened I was woken at 2:30am by Bonnie Tyler and stamping.
Right. Having an afternoon off. About to watch Ken Russell’s version of _The Rainbow_.
@zamon my doctor just recommended swimming to me, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what she had in mind!
@AndyCarolan Yes. I had one the other day that was so dumb it re-tweeted its own re-tweet because it found the keyword again!
Broody-looking day! http://bit.ly/2iNTK6
@kate_day I think Liz Taylor said that once…
Okay, that is desperately cute http://bit.ly/bN0TO #lego