dduane Meanwhile, on Tumblr… (yahooanswers-official.tumblr.com/post/648670017…) pic.twitter.com/73FBjGCwnw
Definitely an afternoon for listening to _Sheffield Shanty_ #mstu youtube.com/watch?v=G7JAlP…

Okay, Hotwells: it’s high tide and the Rose of Denmark has hoisted her jib. You know what this means: be prepared for a Plimsoll Bridge swing as soon as she gets the mains’l up. pic.twitter.com/DTM3IZyDzA
@Peculiar That was bloody brilliant. Thanks for giving me the last nudge I needed to get around to it!
@chubbybannister Oh, God, I never even considered that possibility.
@andrewlaughland @rem Yeah, I was going to suggest RapidWeaver. Used it for years before I learned web development myself; nice to see it’s still going.