“There is very little left of me, and it’s never coming back…” pic.twitter.com/aSidk4PCfS
Aha! “When there were railings all round the garden and down the central path, in order that the children could play together in either garden there was a tunnel for them to go through. This was filled in during the 1970s” @DrChrisArthur @grahamspiller cliftonhotwells.org.uk/clifton-commun…

rabbitinahat I want you all to know that round the back of an Aldi in Airdrie there is an Italian cafe called Bacchialdi’s pic.twitter.com/4hTGtkoA5q

The extremes of signage. pic.twitter.com/21fWLucdYN

Spending the afternoon on vital historical research. pic.twitter.com/NWRvrPWL31

Stay classy, Clifton. pic.twitter.com/NPbq8KiVXg

Selfie in the medium of kerb offerings. pic.twitter.com/BbgQlvsODS

Clifton Morgan. pic.twitter.com/skpXHqgxsj
@claireellent I know I’ve got a terrible memory, so it went straight in my wallet as soon as I got it so at least it stood a fair chance of being with me for the second jab :D
@CharlieVivante I’d love to hear about that. The possibility that I may need to do the same has been slowly dawning on me this last year.

Sequel injection. pic.twitter.com/v5e7CefrRb