@MattNavarra 3246
alexlindsay Genius…

humorandanimals when you actually have 2 cats
(captians_adventure IG) pic.twitter.com/3SOVz13kQI

stu_bot3000 Imagine getting the brief to write some copy on a fucking bin bag and then smashing it out of the park like this. Sensational effort. pic.twitter.com/TBXjnUaWsT

Large lockdown loaf. pic.twitter.com/DOGyKvh5OL

Mustang. pic.twitter.com/EBb1gtD4mz
Roadside Picnic is a great novel and this may be a good time to read it, if you won’t be too bummed out by a sense of claustrophobic desolation. twitter.com/thephilippics/…
FelicityMorse REMINDER: you have permission to just ‘be’ - to feel you’re in exactly the right place and where you should be and feeling whatever it is