Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 5th, 2009

@AndyCarolan No, clearly you need a new desk.

via Brizzly in reply to AndyCarolan

Odd. Moo just sent me a second box of cards with the cocked-up printing on, having already sent me the corrected ones without the mistake.

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Gah. No Flickr meet for me tonight. Will be shifting everything in flat between front door and destination of new sofa! Arrives tomorrow…

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Double-Gah! Sofa delivery may conflict with flu jab at work tomorrow. Think I’m destined to get flu this season…

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@bexxi heh. Assuming it fits through the door tomorrow. *frets*

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bexxi

Now, I know I didn’t take two Nytol instead of paracetamol this morning, so why am I so tired and headachey?

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OS X keyboard tip: while Command-Tabbing through applications, Command-Q will quit the app currently highlighted in the list. Speedy!

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@ahnlak would have needed a 3D model to figure out whether it would fit around the corner and through the door :(

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And, yet again, Lloyds TSB have written to me to remind me that I’ve not given them permission to advertise at me.

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*Double checks* Good, that was paracetamol. Taking two Nytol one-a-night before work would probably lead to post-meeting tellings-off.

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@hayles Witchcraft! Self-animating staircases! Evil! The best way to defeat them is to stop dead just as you get off, thus blocking the exit

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Right. Cook dinner, then move everything from the hall out of the hall so there’s room to get the sofa into the house, then chocolate. Plan.

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Phew. Hall cleared. Now chocolate. And then spend the night praying that delivery blokes can manoeuvre the sofa into the flat.

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Mmm. Dairy Milk. And now last night’s True Blood, then bed.

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@KaveyF rosemary chicken. Rice-y kinda thing. Nice.

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@hayles Bvlerughdmllmphhmp. It’s Thursday? Already? *Yawn*

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