@KaveyF Close enough, dear.
Hanging out in Boston Tea Party, trying to design logos.
@KaveyF top secret new iPhone app! Shh!
Chilling on my new sofa, listening to Escape Pod.
EKNACKERED: Unexpected end of energy. System halted.
Right. I’m off to see Alabama 3.
To put it another way, I’m off for an evening praying at the church of sweet, pretty, country acid-house gospel music. Can I get an a-men?
Cool. Back from Alabama 3. Not completely deaf, and I can still talk, too. Win.
Hmm. At least one serious reply to my Alabama 3 tweets. Thank you, but no, Godspambots, I was not actually wanting to pray for real.
Blehygh. It wasn’t raining just _before_ I wanted to go out to lunch, was it?
This is the man to whom I have been praying: the Very Reverend D-Wayne Love. http://twitpic.com/otgk8
@talkie_tim @DrHairbear Oh, I’d say it’s more than that. Sometimes I manage a 6-hour lie-in, for example.
@talkie_tim I respectfully suggest that it is time usefully spent, though.
@Swishrelic You probably should have bought one with a starter motor, then.
Hurrah! Off to see Alabama 3 tonight.
Yay! New version of VirtualBox makes things work on my external monitor again. Windows and OSX, in perfect harmony. Ish.
@Sam_Currie You know, sometimes that’s just your brain’s way of telling you it needs a guilt-free day off!
Time for lunch, I think. Wonder where I should go?