Have just munched through bag of chocolate coins I bought while waiting for prescription in Boots. Am 12 going on 40.
@chrismarquardt Hmm. Looking for replacement for Lineform right now, since FreeVerse seem to have mostly given up on fixing it :(
Odd how photos bounce in and out of Explore. I’ve got two in there at the moment, but not the two that were in there last time I looked…
@rabidbee Aha! Ta. Oooh, cool pic. And informative about hills, too :)
@rabidbee No, I mean I wanted a link to _your_ picture, dear. Where’s your shameless self-promotion, man?
Result: run quick & easy, Roses Kings Castles lovely little album so far. My only criticism is it’s not 4 kilometres long#getrunningning
@rabidbee Linky! We demand linky!
@barneyc Would you like a side-order of sarcasm with your Twitter bile, sir?
With the beard, the belly, the blue running top and the hoody, it’s difficult for me not to think “Papa Smurf” when I pass a mirror.
‘Kay. Bored with the Portway. Out for a jog around the harbourside. Will give @adamficek’s album a first listen while I run! #getrunning
Enjoying the Big Picture’s “on the shoreline” set today. http://bit.ly/2nMHP5
@r4Today Doesn’t look much like Jeff Bezos to me…
@CasJam Hmm. And that is some of the ugliest table-and-image-based HTML I’ve seen in a long time, too…