Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 13th, 2009

@rabidbee Yup, Lucia. @bertpalmer Will check it out. Right, now must actually close Twitter & press “play” :)

via Twitter Web Client

@chrismarquardt Not sure if it’s taborder or something more screwy. Try ? Designed for mobile, but good & tabbing works!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to chrismarquardt

@chrismarquardt Oooh, odd: it works if you tab from the address bar onto the page, but screws up if you start from a new page.

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@majicDave Careful with that guy: could be a 13-year-old smartass investor. They’re the worst! :)

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@mattgemmell (And I mean that; it’s called DockStar, but it does menubar _and_ dock icon badges.)

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@mattgemmell Not entirely sure what you want — if you want toolbar notifier, try DockStar. Can watch multiple folders, too.

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Right, my solution to the “worst storm of the year”: stay indoors and watch a naughty Spanish film. Then bed.

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@chrismarquardt What browser are you using? “Space” is the button to hit web buttons with the focus on in Safari; the tab-order looks right.

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Loving the little umbrella-breakout bit of web design on right now.

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@hayles I think he was special enough for both of us.

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There’s a real old-school drunk bellicosing his way up Park Street, shouting incoherent insults through each shop doorway

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So, 3 months after paying £54 for Photoshop Elements, I can now either upgrade through Adobe for £62, or get full from Amazon for £51. Sigh.

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@Swishrelic Don’t do it! Some of the descriptions _will_ make you wince. And maybe cross your legs.

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@dressjunkie whoo-hoo! That last run is a lovely feeling!

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@andmel when away from the shelf, you may find my mobile Twitter client handy: :)

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Oh, it’s Friday! How did that happen? What, and it’s _November_? Huh? Wait, and I’m _thirty-six_? Crap. I want my money back.

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