@hayles can’t, anyway: off to see Harry Brown. But will try to keep it in mind next time I’m up there.
Right. Unfollowing a couple of people until they get their accounts back under control from DM spammers. Don’t fall for phishing, people.
@hannahnicklin good luck! I managed it in 2006, but only just! Write early, write often :) #nanowrimo
@dktom mostly it seems people have been getting DMs from friends that take them to a dodgy website that asks them for their Twitter password
@dktom …then, if they do, it hijacks their account and sends out more DMs and spam.
@dktom just the age-old phishing scams, re-spun for Twitter. Be careful about handing you credentials out, you’ll be fine.
Seeing Harry Brown tonight at Cabot Circus. Can get one other person in free. 7pm. Any takers?
@benjohnbarnes what the heck are writing that you need to know that for!?
Can I get out of here and go to the cinema yet?
@hayles I have never had a shake from Rocotillos, yet people all around me keep telling me they’re great.
@benjohnbarnes Tweetdeck has a “translate” button, but I’ve never tried it for Russian/Romanian/whatever that is…
So. Last time Cinema de Lux showed Star Trek in wrong aspect ratio. This time they’ve over-“sold” a free screening. Luckily I have a seat…
Harry Brown pretty damn good, if rather dark. Recommended.
@KaveyF new Michael Caine film.
@chris_j_hughes Just the first twenty minutes. Then the curtains opened, the projector refocused and the cast got fatter! Nice.
@hayles There are indeed these things called tickets. And we all had them, including the people who didn’t have seats. Clever.
@hayles They also cleverly didn’t dim the lights all the way down until the final credits, when we actually needed to see to walk about.
@bananza I wondered why the planet just got a little warmer.
This @hotdogsladies’ video I’m watching is slightly better if I cross my eyes a bit and watch two Merlins talking to me instead of one.