@waugaman Really don’t think that will be worth the pain of the rest.
Am fifteen minutes into _Swordfish_. Think I may stop now and keep some remaining minutes of my life.
@KaveyF Or view your page source, & check the “link” elements in the header with rel=”alternate”. That’s what drives the browser feed links.
@KaveyF You want the “Atom” link in that list. Atom is the preferred blogspot feed format; equivalent to RSS.
@KaveyF Erm, it’s the one that has the RSS icon next to “Posts” in the “Subscribe to Kavey Eats” bit on your sidebar?
@hayles Mmm. I feel a bit cruddy today, too. Not in mood for doing anything, really.
Pretty sure I don’t want to try the new Colgate. According to the advert I just saw, it whitens your teeth, but makes you badly-dubbed.
@KaveyF Huh?
@tweeny4 Well, this one will be in sunshine rather than dark and rain, and will end with vanilla latte & lunch. Which is quite motivational!
@tweeny4 Yes, looks lovely here, too. Want to get out for jog, but having to wait for other stuff to happen first *grr*.
@bertpalmer Well, my car could technically be described as a BMW. And there ends the resemblance.
This is the same girl who left her debit card in Co-op checkout machine yesterday morning. Am gong to start tying stuff to her with string.
Gah! Foolish girl I went to concert with last night left phone in my car. Now have to get dressed to go retrieve it.
*yawn* *stretch* Wow! How did it get to be 11am? Must’ve needed that. Hmm. So, my full day of getting stuff done is going to be a bit short.