@hayles Actually, business action strangely undiscounted. Possible people don’t rush to buy business advice from bankrupt company.
Oooh! New Chris Fowler Bryant & May novel out. Might be worth braving the rain to see if Borders (a) is still trading, (b) has it in stock.
Wonder how long it’ll be before Desert Island Discs has to rebrand as Desert Island Downloads?
@DrHairbear The characters are just fantastic. I can never wait. Shame Borders is endangered; it’s where I normally buy my copy :(
@DrHairbear Bugger. Hmm. Wonder if Blackwell’s might have it? There’s always Amazon, but then I’d have to wait, like, a whole day :)
So, the best time today to nip out and buy lunch would be… Yesterday. http://twitpic.com/rg1pf
Oh, God, will Loud Upstairs Neighbours ever get bored with playing the same song whenever they wake up? Well, not so far *sigh*
@mattgemmell Stanza will do that on Mac. May work well, depending on your PDF; should be great if you’re reading an actual book.
Right. Off to see if I can get to Boston Tea Party without drowning.
Guess that answers my question about Borders, then :( http://twitpic.com/rgadm
Score! That’s the thing about Chris Fowler; you’ve got to check all the genres! http://twitpic.com/rgazw
@hayles some of the computer stuff us 70% off. Much dross; some real bargains. Guess similar in business.
@Playleimagery NCIS technobabble does seem to have been near someone technical at some point. Unlike Spooks’.
@DrHairbear filed under crime (oversized.) Fifth place I looked.
In other news, Justin Lee Collins doesn’t seem to be flying from the shelves http://twitpic.com/rgdq3
@bananza Yeah, although no connection with US Borders, FWIR. UK bit was sold off ages ago.
Just had my first coffee in Carwardine’s. My last, too. Nothing terrible about the experience, just utterly mediocre from start to finish.
@hayles well, there’s 20% of _everything_ today. Just no extra special business bargains.
http://bestc.am/T3kX The walk home
@KaveyF never seen him on TV. Had him pointed out to me a couple of times in cafés, though. Seems inoffensive enough when drinking tea.
Hmm. Apparently I witter on about “time”, “morning”, and “home”. Here’s my #TweetCloud thing: http://bit.ly/5kgISc
RIP another part of my childhood. Rob Holdstock wrote novella _The Dark Wheel_, which came with Elite. Age-11-me must have read it 30 times.
Just when I think @evernote’s web clipper is behaving itself again… http://twitpic.com/rhuug
Just installed Greasekit. Hurrah, now have Flickr icon reply in Safari. That was the only Firefox-jealousy I was experiencing.