Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 28th, 2009

@ahnlak No, nobody switched the internet off. It’s just that the Americans are still recovering from Thanksgiving, dear.

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@robinince Always keep a frozen one handy. I find Kellogg’s Pop-Toads very useful for occasions like that.

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Hmm. Sure Spinvox used to work better than this.

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Wow, that was movie-soundtrack thunder, wasn’t it?

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@Jorence I didn’t see the lightning, so I was just left wondering whether it was thunder or a nearby oil refinery catching fire…

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@TheLloydClan Seems to have gone away now. Never know, maybe it’s headed in your direction…

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@Jorence Well, that’s how I worked out it was probably thunder.

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@Jorence My deductive reasoning is at its sharpest when I’ve just woken up, see.

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I’d just like to congratulate @MitchBenn for rhyming “Thomas Aquinas” with “vaginas” in this week’s _Now Show_.

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@tweeny4 So, there’s still time to go back to bed, then?

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Right. Time for a nice long bath, then some graphics work, then a jog, then lunch, then some flat-tidying, then a videoconference.

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My morning commute has mostly looked like this for the last two weeks:

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@caffeinebomb All I’m hearing is, “blah blah blah.” But that’s okay, because I feel great today.

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Hmm. I appear to have just run 10K. (Warning: this blog entry contains language. And mild peril.)

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