Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 27th, 2009

Feeling grumpy and antisocial. Skipping works reunion thing at pub. Heading home, hopefully for lots of sleep.

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@ps3cakes Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

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@chris_j_hughes @scottejames Mostly for TV. Plus Boxee hack to get iPlayer ;). Have no great use for PS3.

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Vaguely considering buying an Apple TV.

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@undermanager’s views on music versus age. I appear to be stuck at age 17-25.

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@mikeotaylor Think us amateurs could do with a blog post about how to run in the rain ;)

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Very glad of my new waterproof boots this morning.

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Right. Think I might need to go get me some of this:

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RT @zeldman: I <3 this SO MUCH. “Please design a logo for me. With pie charts. For free.”

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Hmm. Think I shall cast stones to see what the future brings.

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