There are so many things in life that you get down to a fine art just in time to never need to do them again.
@rabidbee That could have been a reply to several things I’ve said recently… Anyway, thank you for sharing, dear.
@johnfbraun *sharpens axe*
@zeldman Spend enough time around women, dear, and you’ll realise that getting your hear coloured & cut _is_ therapy.
@chrisphin Jeeves. That’s what I need.
There’s nowt like Babyshambles’ “Fuck Forever” to get you fired up for stuff. But it came up on shuffle. Now am all fired up & nowhere to go
@realbillbailey yeah, but check your credit card for a £10 fanfare surcharge!
@TheLloydClan if weather there’s like weather here, don’t bother with the ironing. My trousers need wringing out & ironing again now.
Woke up feeling surprisingly good following my late night. Then realised it was twenty to nine. #panic
@hayles no, that was yesterday’s 22:35 running a bit late.
@AndyCarolan Yes, but I wasn’t for the last hour and a half. Instead I was wondering the same thing while in bed.
Grr. Why aren’t I asleep?