Nice OS X touch I just noticed: Drag a photo to contact in Address Book, and it does face recognition and centres book photo on the person.
Cookin’ up lamb with courgettes and mushrooms. Mmmm.
@guriben Oilatum? Pricey, but it helps for me. Probably depends on the cause, though.
@KeithGough1 Roughly double.
@chris_j_hughes I have been fairly happy. Oh, and the place has roughly doubled in price :)
@ahnlak Not even *I* could neglect a house in this area enough to bring it down in value over the last 13 years :)
Just had my flat valued, by the nice lady who sold it to me, in 1999. Turned into mini nostalgia session for a while :)
And, looking around, it doesn’t look too far from what I ended up with.

Dragged Sketchup out after natter with @benjohnbarnes and found my original plan for my lounge :)
Unexpected gorilla in the Waterloo Street area. #bristol
@stillawake @Bristol52 Bristol Guild, though I can’t afford to buy much there. Good for pressies & lovely cafe.
MikeDrucker I wish I could get bitten by a radioactive confident person.

Quick coffee before I head out the
@stroughtonsmith No, I’m too busy feeling guilty about not updating website graphics for it…
My ReadyNAS just emailed me to tell me it had a firmware update available. Who’s a smart little box? *pats on head*
@stillawake #wheresmybaby? I believe the answer to that is “behind you, attempting to juggle chainsaws you didn’t even know you owned.”
@Mouse_House Bah. Think that’s virtually the same thing. Sorry, I’m out of ideas. But not out of sympathy.
@ahnlak There’s a little dial on the bottom for turning it up. They just don’t want people to get too excited yet.
@Mouse_House Difflam spray, or similar? Might soothe things enough for you to get some other painkillers down you.
@ahnlak I think it basically means that your friends are pyromaniacs. Or just really liked that scene where the villagers storm the castle.
@ahnlak But… But… The TORCH! It’s SO BEAUTIFUL. *swoons*
@Mouse_House Poor Mouse. I hate tonsillitis. *sympathy*

B247Martin New visual of the Mobius Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, linking Castle Park with the Finzel’s Reach development:
@liveindetail @stillawake Hah! That was my hope, too. Good article, Jo. Thank you.
@BlackDogDays It is more than a teensy bit sigh-inducing, isn’t it? Bah.
@mikedunn *actions a deliverable at you*
Cheeky bacon sandwich.