@OReillyMedia Funnily enough, just reading the bit of this Bill Bryson book about flying foxes… pic.twitter.com/7Ucfk5Zz
OUPAcademic Euphemism or Not a Euphemism? oxford.ly/NNPlyY by @wordlust, featuring @gothick, @IAmTheCrew, & @LittleRants
@Thehappyfatgirl I can bring the recipe back? (PS: You may be missing a trick if you ask for rock instead of gingerbread from here!)
@Thehappyfatgirl There’s plenty left. Might not be by the time you get here, mind. *adds ice cream*
CAKE. instagr.am/p/NRiMsYpC0E/
@floyduk Developer can always refund anyway; drop ‘em a mail. I’ve generally had good responses.

HypnoPeter I think someone objected to 50 Shades of Grey. I found this on the display in WH Smiths lol pic.twitter.com/b2WUNYxq
@floyduk Yup. Enjoy yours, anyway!
@floyduk Possible, but relatively unlikely. Oh well, we’ll see what happens…
@floyduk That’s what worries me. Mine’s shown as having been delivered to the customer by TNT!
@floyduk Was the package small enough to fit through a letter box?