“@mims: 45% chance NYC will experience hurricane-force winds within four hours. This is not a drill. nym.ag/MIXQkR” <- Fab advice.
@RevRichardColes “Prepare the scapegoat!”
@KaveyF I wonder how many other people are thinking, “Did I arrange to go to dinner with Kavey? Was I drunk? Shit.”
@chubbybannister Yes. Let’s say “moist”. “Moist”.
AndriaLindquist long story, I got denied entrance into the UK and now my couple has no one to shoot the wedding. Anyone around London free to shoot sat?
@chubbybannister Oat cakes and people don’t mix.
@ahnlak CYNIC.
Rescuing bears from a bin. Well done, those folks. youtube.com/watch?v=wDZ60s…
@panic (I’ve definitely been telling Coda to send off reports when it dies.)
@panic Where do they go? Had some “report and continue” in-app ones, and some full-on whole-app crashes; nothing in CrashReporter folder.
@panic Installed #mountainlion — Coda 2 seems very crashy just editing a simple HTML page (with preview.) Any known issues? Ta!
@BlackDogDays Yeah, well, mine’s not too fond of me, either…
@BlackDogDays My pleasure :D
@mhoulden Top Cat?
@mhoulden Sea Lion.
#mountainlion: So far, so painless.
Hurrah! Take-out quiche from @SourdoughCafe, consumed in Castle Park.
Have installed self in Temple Park with Kindle to await lunch date.
I wish whoever’s stealing that car would get on with it. #annoyingalarms
Glad I was on holiday last week. Hopefully that’ll somewhat make up for the slew of huge downloads updating to #mountainlion. #fairusepolicy
@ShaneHudson @rem Does that work well these days? I had all sorts of weirdness when I tried it year or two ago.
@rem So annoying. Especially if you’re cross-platform. I want my iCal entries magically appearing on my Nexus 7!
@alfredapp Lovely, thanks!
@KaveyF It’s pretty nice out here. Making the most of it while I can :D
@alfredapp If I have a personal contact who also has a company name, should searching the company name find them? Ta!
@ahnlak When I say I’m burning the midnight oil, that is not a euphemism.
Morning workspace. instagr.am/p/NigiHLpC1_/
@aaronsw Glad to be of service.
@mhoulden You may be a little far away for that. They do mail order, mind…
@skeddy It is, luckily, not *that* deadly. But it is very good.
RT @petapixel: The 7 levels of awareness in becoming a professional photographer: j.mp/OiwAYp <— Interesting. No sure where I am!
So. Will it slay me, or will I slay it? instagr.am/p/NiXu-4JC0J/