Tim_Burgess If you answer your phone after 5 rings, apparently, you may be in breach of Olympic copyright laws
DUCK! instagr.am/p/NbwvIIpC_G/
Lightbulb moment @ Baristas Coffee Collective instagr.am/p/NbjSVrpC3N/

@FogCreek That direct link seems to fail for me, too. Not sure what’s going on. pic.twitter.com/w7lSLtHN
Subtle hint instagr.am/p/NbJ-xuJC5j/
I declare lunchtime. Heading for BTP.
@malvernrunner Got it. They’d’ve made more money from me if I could have paid £5 extra for a version without Archer and Transformers film…
@guriben Ta, might have to try that :D
@guriben Ah, okay. Hrm. Maybe I’ll just remove the Library thing from my front page to get rid of Transformers, then.
Update for those looking for their @FogBugz stuff: seems to be a @zerigo DNS outage/DDoS. They’re tweeting with status updates.
@guriben @wood5y Can you actually buy films from the Play store? I can only seem to get rental options…
@ahnlak GRRR.
Erm. @FogBugz is down for me, and I can’t see status.fogcreek.com either. Just me?
Arse. Run Clock text broken in Get Running on the Nexus 7. *grumblefragmentationgrumble*
@guriben @wood5y Ah, so maybe this is just a clever way of encouraging people to spend their £15 Play voucher…
@guriben Was there a “customer has some taste” checkbox I missed somewhere?
@wood5y @guriben The Transformers thing won’t go away from my front page even if I delete it from my library… *bangs Nexus on wall*
@guriben I got Jeffrey Archer novel and Transformers movie. Looks to be fairly standard for UK Nexus. Is yours maybe an international model?
@Phooto It also has one of those Transformers films. This is not a tablet for anyone who likes good writing, I fear.
@Phooto It comes with the device for free, and displays prominently on the front page when you turn it on…
So, I guess my first Nexus 7 question is how the heck do I remove this Jeffrey Archer novel from my library…
It’s actually warm enough to have breakfast outside this morning. Shame I don’t have any breakfast in. *adds “post-holiday shop” to to-dos*