@Bristol52 @nineweeks @hayles I tried the first episode, with @MissEmmeline. We didn’t really get it, I think.
@Bristol52 @hayles Also, because it was cancelled so early, Netflix actually has all the seasons available. Seems sadly rare.
@hayles This is why I’ve been watching Dollhouse on Netflix.
tomscott Oh boy. If you know your web security, have a look at this conversation between @troyhunt and @UKTesco and cringe: exquisitetweets.com/collection/tom…
@archidave No; he’s the best candidate dollars could buy *him*.
fmanjoo There are 416 customer images for this Amazon horse mask. They are all hilarious. fm4.fm/MdF70O
@jukesie I’m now imagining @guriben’s Nexus falling apart like a clown car upon the “send” of that tweet.
@jukesie @guriben It’s the 8GB I’ve got. Started noticing the “unresponsive to touch until screen turned off and on” recently, too. Bah.
@guriben @jukesie You didn’t even get the Jeffrey Archer novel, did you? Are you sure it’s even a Nexus 7? Maybe it’s an Etch-a-Sketch.
Watershed. Balcony. Latte. Awaiting falafel. #sorted
@Mouse_House Just found out place I want to go isn’t open on Sunday mornings. Quick flat ride into town beckons. Hurrah!
@Mouse_House Or possibly cycle! But I want to go to Park Street and that’s a lot of uphill from here… #sweatyforlunch
Hrm. Wonder if there’s enough gap in the rain to nip out for lunch without getting wet?