lesleyjones There’s going to be an @O2 baby boom. Well, you’ve got to have something to fiddle with in bed
@benjohnbarnes Hrm. If you made it with actually cold water, you might want to call that a control group and re-make with warm.
@BradleyLaw As is everything else web-related at the BBC, by the looks of things.
Okay, so that’s O2, *and* the BBC website down, by the looks of things. Erm.
@wotfs Nope, still dead. Now getting into “someone might really have needed to get in touch and not been able to” territory.
@Bristol_Culture Given that I always thought “Bristol Stylish Bars” was a dreadful name, I can’t say I’m unhappy.
@Bristol_Culture I noticed that just this morning, when snapping for Cafe Typography… cafetypography.tumblr.com/post/269727537…
@benjohnbarnes I nearly took my *grinder* on holiday last time… I think that’s probably a reasonable indicator of addiction..
@benjohnbarnes (I recently decided not to bother after having “try cold-brew coffee” on my to-do list for months. No summer, damn it!)
@benjohnbarnes Was that based on this recipe? americastestkitchenfeed.com/do-it-yourself…
I am an avant-garde chef experimenting with such fusions as basil and nectarine*.
*I should really rinse the chopping-board before dessert.
mattgemmell Tweetbot for Mac public alpha! tapbots.com/blog/tweetbot/…
Several 5-star reviews for @getrunningapp for Android so far. Huzzah! play.google.com/store/apps/det…
@inkyhands Remove battery if you can, then seal it in middle of tupperware box filled with rice. Try it in 24-48 hours. wikihow.com/Save-a-Wet-Cel…
Wow. This O2 network outage is getting quite epic. Hope nobody who only has my mobile number needed to call this afternoon.
@BlackDogDays It didn’t get to me. But I heard a funny *clunk* noise and the music lesson stopped for a bit. Think you hit a teacher.
@BlackDogDays I mind. But only because I don’t have any biscuits. Damn.
@Ninja_lynneja Hurrah! Though it probably wasn’t worth all that trouble :)
@Ninja_lynneja Ta :)
@Ninja_lynneja There is a short blurb about what it is and why I took it if you go through to the actual Flickr page :)
@Ninja_lynneja Yup. “Perle d’Azur”.
@Thehappyfatgirl @Ninja_lynneja Hurrah! I will call *right now*! *Looks at O2 phone signal*. Oh.
Snappity: For Nostalgia Purposes flic.kr/p/cvc7zC
@Thehappyfatgirl @Ninja_lynneja I can’t afford your rates anyway.
@Thehappyfatgirl Yup. Been dead for ages, now. Seems country-wide, too.
DoctorRad Power cut in central #Bristol affecting around 300 properties, estimated reconnection time of 6pm.
Hurrah! Finally something flowers on my trellis (not a euphemism) instagr.am/p/M8aC-bJCw3/
qikipedia Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer - BRUCE GRAHAM

@iainclaridge You and the rest of the UK. status.o2.co.uk pic.twitter.com/FRcS7UG8
Okay. Not just me. From anguished tweets it appears that @O2 network may be having significant outage. As is their network status checker.
@codepo8 Gotcha. So, you just got it arse-frontwards, as one might say…
Hrm. My street has primary school drumming lesson mixing with someone’s car radio and the Amazing Singing Binmen. Retreating to the garden.
@codepo8 Er. When you say “front-facing”?
Hrm. Where did my @O2 phone signal go?
@ginandcrumpets It’s okay. @KaveyF said that to me the last time she saw me, too.
@chubbybannister Am on Hotwells footbridge right now *waves*
Nearly home. #hotwells instagr.am/p/M8PYiFpC81/
Walking into town in the sunshine. instagr.am/p/M7-gYVJC32/
formspring_help RT @Formspring: To protect your account, your password has been disabled. Please reset it. 4ms.me/Mh9vHo ^TH
@Thehappyfatgirl @BristolBites Yes! #cheese
@says_arline My commute’s to the lounge; I just went the long way round! :)