@Thehappyfatgirl Now you’re talkin’.
@Thehappyfatgirl Not so sure about the whole “films” thing. Rest sounds nice, though.
@Thehappyfatgirl You and me both. Sigh.
@Thehappyfatgirl So now I’m full, but I still want to eat because it’s dinner time. Ah well.
@Thehappyfatgirl A cheese bagel and a banana. Thought I’d need tiding over until later, but my plans got cancelled.
@Thehappyfatgirl Not until later. I just had an overly-large snack. Sorry.
*Reboots @archidave*
@6sync @joshuachristy Cool, ta.
@joshuachristy @6sync *I’m* certainly noticing network slowness somewhere in the 6sync vicinity, if that helps.
Hrm. Teh Intarnetz have randomly slowed to a crawl for me. Can someone turn them all off and on again, please? Who’s nearest the switch?
@ahnlak You will never do it for a tenner in the tiny size some factory in China can manager it, either.
@ahnlak Ah, okay. But basically, multi-port chargers is good search term; lots of travel ones about and some are 1A/channel.
@ahnlak Ah. Apparently mine is 2.1A shared across 4 ports. It works well, though, and you might find “related items”: amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00…
@ahnlak Yes, I just bought one, in fact. Would having a very bright blue LED on all the time be a deal-breaker for you?
Homeward bound instagr.am/p/M5aYfUpC5z/
@benjohnbarnes Ah, technology.
@AndyCarolan @Phooto No, I just waited for Apple to fix it in the firmware.
@AndyCarolan @Phooto I am apparently not alone. google.co.uk/search?client=…
@AndyCarolan @Phooto Yeah, “it shouldn’t”. Took them three software updates before *this* one could reliably fire up my telly.
@AndyCarolan @Phooto It would probably turn out to be incompatible with my TV for some odd reason.
@benjohnbarnes No worries. Gimme a bell when you’re ready.
@Phooto @AndyCarolan I’ve had so much aggro with “minor” upgrades to multimedia stuff I’m not risking fiddling with a working setup!
@AndyCarolan @Phooto (Bear in mind I tend to buy SD rather than HD content, as it’s cheaper and I can’t tell the difference on my telly!)
@AndyCarolan @Phooto So why do the old ones sell so well? Also: I don’t need higher res or faster.
@Phooto Why are the old ones so valuable? (Also: I don’t want to change anything that’s currently working well. That way lies pain!)
@Phooto Er. I can’t remember. And I don’t want to sell it!
@Phooto Huh? It’s the little black one. Does that help?
No, little Apple TV temptress! I need to watch educational dev videos this morning. Don’t show me _Dollhouse_ when I turn you on!
I’m a bit tired, but my body apparently wanted me not to get any more sleep. Oh well. Morning all.
@twinkleboi Mornin’.
@commonsguy Thanks for latest post. Was just complaining about non-exported Activities showing up in query… myself!: stackoverflow.com/questions/1114…
Oatmeal As promised, here’s the photo of $211,223 in cash we raised for charity is.gd/1kwawj