UnlikelyWorlds Dracula as imagined by police composite sketch software: bit.ly/NUA4hm >click through to see Moriarty
@cetypeestfou @Support You are not alone. twitter.com/#!/search/twit…
@hayles I’m already losing one cupboard to fit in a decent-size fridge freezer. But I think a dishwasher is overkill for just me…
@guriben @chubbybannister Given stream of anguish, I’d suggest Twitter is currently broken in Chrome. Not just you! twitter.com/#!/search/twit…
I need to find a partner just so I can blame the mess in the kitchen on someone else every now and again.
EmmaSamms1 My iPhone just suggested a spelling of a word, only to then tell me it’s spelled wrong. I’ve had boyfriends like that.
@hayles Sadly, I can’t help you there. 😞
@hayles Aaaaaaaah. #crosspurposes
@hayles (a) Can’t already have focus in a text box, (b) must be as if typing a question mark, i.e. shift+slash. Works for me in Chrome.
@NoWireHangers Yeah, no problem. DM me an address and I’ll throw it in your direction!

Heh. Clearing out old T-shirts. pic.twitter.com/VOJa6Gna
London Officials To Erase Banksy’s Latest ‘Olympic’ Street Art - DesignTAXI.com: designtaxi.com/news/353097/Lo…
@chubbybannister Fuck.
@OpinionatedGeek “Geoff was never heard from again. This was the first hint that the ‘Singularity 400’ had gone rogue…”
@Ninja_lynneja And presumably dodging them confirms that?
louisejonesetc Mum didn’t know why her mouse wasn’t working. My brother’s a funny kid. instagr.am/p/NdeUeVkAXc/
Heh. Liking chirp.io — send stuff through sound. Maybe I’ll get around to building that sound-controlled iPhone-carrying robot.
@WTF4Photography It’s only the shininess of this Nexus 7 that tempted me into it.
@Thehappyfatgirl Luuush toasties. And Jess bakes a mean quiche.
@Thehappyfatgirl Don’t make me think about @SourdoughCafe. It’s too early for lunch.
@Thehappyfatgirl Yur. I love St. Nicks in the sunshine.
@cabalgata Go mes!
RT @liveindetail: @gothick Life? <— SHH.
Officially the saddest moment of my life: “hanging out” with myself on Google+ :) instagr.am/p/NdO1chJCys/