Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 14th, 2012

Goodnight, Twitter. Sleep tight.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Thought so. Well, you can stay, as long as you don’t snore. I need lots of sleeps for walking tomorrow.

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@BradleyLaw Why not call it £125,000, thus including a really nice pair of fluffy dice in the budget?

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@Thehappyfatgirl So you’re in here somewhere, is what you’re saying? Or did I mistake you for a small silk cushion?

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@Thehappyfatgirl I was just under there to plug something in. That’s some pretty amazing dust-bunny-and-floorboard camo you’ve got going…

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This bed was made by someone who reads ‘lifestyle’ magazines. *Dumps hundredweight of extraneous cushions, pillows and throws on floor*

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@hayles *sympathy* I’m at least glad I’m not alone in doing that sometimes.

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@sarcastathon Have you found the router? Four times out of five these days, it’s written on the side…

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@G2Bristol @guriben Indeed. I am currently just north of Windermere, so not not quite *that* visible from Bristol :)

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@asic69 @Catreia @TippyTLawton Anyone need anything from Booths? Tell me in next five mins if so!

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@TippyTLawton I am prepared to buy waterproof trousers. And failing all else, I have books.

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On the plus side, the view’s quite nice.

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@TippyTLawton No, motorway services depress me much more than rain.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Because I’m at a motorway services. Reason enough for me. And yes, if you can get here within half hour :)

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At a motorway services. Attempting to console myself with giant Custard Cream.

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Found this + phone no on my car. full of honest people.

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Glinner Wow RT @4b5: “The giant heart formed with 6,000 oak trees which Winston Howes planted in memory of his late wife.”

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I might’ve just bought myself a secondhand LX3 as a new walkaround camera. Wonder whether I’ll like the results or not…

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@Thehappyfatgirl That will probably become clear over the next few days :D

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@hayles Though, to be fair, I do have a second monitor.

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@hayles Is that in Full Screen? (And did you know you can pull in the sides? At least it won’t all be off to the left…)

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@talkie_tim Someone’s throwing croissants at you?

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@timlichfield Cool. I recognised the peeling paint on the sliding doors! Was the prettiest thing about that wall before that lighthouse!

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DaveGorman The juxtaposition of these two tweets arriving side by side just made me smile:

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timlichfield This wasn’t there last night!

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Skeptobot The only convincing defence of Fahrenheit I’ve ever seen /via reddit

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@rossoh I can think of a motion I’d like to make towards them…

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@rossoh Is wriggling obligatory? I’ll just be driving past, but I’ll do my best…

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@pearcafe I’d answer that question, but it would take you over my 70-character “free reply” limit and into surcharge territory.

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@Indiechops @ShabbyBean I believe whips and chains can be an integral part of romance, when used in the context of a loving relationship :D

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@Phooto Or maybe just replacing it with an empty square with “HERE BE DRAGONS” written across it.

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@Phooto I did wonder if they were redesigning the map tile to put the international border on…

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ASPolice We’ll be tweeting all day from @ASPoliceLIVE for info on EDL and counter protests, and @ASPoliceLGBT for Pride updates

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@missmcq Happy birthday!

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@Mouse_House I’ll wear my new jacket. We’ll confuse the clouds.

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