Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 8th, 2012

@hayles I hope your first action is to print a “SAD OLD LABEL PRINTER” label to stick on the old one.

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@Thehappyfatgirl I’m not actually that good a cook. Though I’m trying to get better. Don’t tell the massed hordes of girlfriend-applicants!

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@Thehappyfatgirl Wouldn’t have thought so. Wimbledon, and the occasional big footie tournament, and that’s about it.

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@Adamy323 Nothing wrong with that. Just get back out when you can. If it feels tough, do half your normal distance, just to get out there.

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Right. That’s my fill of sport for the year. Good game.

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@asic69 Well, we need *something* to take out Brits shouting “Come on, Andy”. Presumably Patriot missiles would be best bet.

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I thought they’d installed those rooftop rockets to take out people who heckle during service at ?

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@shezza_t Yeah, and that girl said she couldn’t get me pregnant if I stood up, too…

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@Adamy323 It’s meant to be two or three times a week. Far less recently, due to laziness followed by illness…

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I was feeling guilty for snacking on fruit all through the tennis. Then I realised I forgot to have lunch.

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Ihnatko New on @Suntimes: The FBI’s been helping keep your infected PC online since Oct…but not after Sunday.…

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@Thehappyfatgirl Oh! Sorry, distracted by tennis. Maybe it is a Bristol thing. Only actually seen it happen in the street in Bristol…

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@Thehappyfatgirl Anyway, don’t keep me in suspense! What’s “coupee down”?

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@Thehappyfatgirl @BristolBites I came here for a job, sometime around 1996, maybe? Never got around to leaving :)

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@BlackDogDays Thought that was the only reason they put the roof on?

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Hang on. Is there a button I can push to get McEnroe commentating instead?

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@Thehappyfatgirl @Ninja_lynneja I think my usual three hours in the morning is probably enough for today. *preens*

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Right. Not seen much tennis this year, which is sad, as I’ve mostly been at home. Feel like I should watch this match, at least. Sofa time.

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@Ninja_lynneja @Thehappyfatgirl I had always assumed this to be the case anyway.

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@Mouse_House Nice one, Mouse :) Hope you waved at Hotwells on the way past…

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@sowerbyandluff If you spend any time thinking about it, you are middle-aged. Sorry.

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@RamonYouseph Good, thanks. Stopped at 6K in the end. Didn’t want to overdo it after being ill for a bit.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Just bear in mind that I only have the one bedroom ;)

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@Thehappyfatgirl Just on a bit of a cooking kick this week ;)

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Post-run smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, on a bagel.

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What idiot bastard tracked mud all over my lounge? Oh. Wait. I live alone, don’t I?

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@Mouse_House Excellent. Dress for puddles, mind, it was a bit watery here and there the other day.

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So far today I’ve run from down there to up here :) Couple more km and I’m done.

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Sunshine!? *rushes out of the door*

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