@claireellent It’s been pretty lovely around here so far this week. Lots of sights like this :) Welcome back, by the way!
@MrGreenGus Lake District, near Ambleside.
Snap from this afternoon’s walk :) flic.kr/p/czvyds
This afternoon we mainly ambled to Ambleside. runkeeper.com/user/gothick/a…
Into the black. instagr.am/p/NOngowpC1b/
Grasmere instagr.am/p/NOnehVJC1V/
View from the front garden. instagr.am/p/NOna2YJC1T/
@thomasvenables Never mind; found it. Could they have picked a less searchable name, d’you think? :)
@thomasvenables Got a link for that?
@sarcastathon That’s not a bad opening for a novel.
@Ninja_lynneja Ooopsie. Naughty ninja.
Seem to be mostly hangover-free. Bonus.
@nineweeks :)
@OpinionatedGeek Excellent! Hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you’ve got any problems or suggestions :D matt.at.mattgibsoncreative.co.uk