@shezza_t Pork and apple something: recipes.gothick.org.uk/Pork_and_Apple… Have more pork for tomorrow. All suggestions gratefully received!
In Urban Wood, post-gallery, enjoying a rare @BrisBeerFactory Southville Hop _sans_ beer glass on the label :)
Lovely little exhibition at lovely tiny gallery - well worth putting your head around the door (@Bristol_Culture?)
“Dangerous Liason”, a piece from this week’s exhibition at 18 Christmas Steps :) instagr.am/p/Nt4cyYpCyW/
@bexxi Yup: recipes.gothick.org.uk/Pork_and_Apple… (from Eating for One, by Molly Perham)

@bexxi yup. Pork and apple in ginger sauce. Smells nice, at least..pic.twitter.com/s9ZRsZoZoZ

Cookity-cook. #cooking pic.twitter.com/NhYPJyuv
@chrisphin Thought I recognised it. Sadly, while I am currently right next to Boston Tea Party, it’s the wrong branch to get you one :)
Merging. instagr.am/p/NtdZxrpCyM/
Hurrah! New arm for my chair on the way. Bristol Office Furniture giving good long-after-sale service, there. Recommended.
Dealing with paperwork has just frustrated me enough to put a Doxie Go on my shopping list.
@MarinaHyde Try doing some unauthorised marketing using Olympic keywords. Sure they’ll throw you out pretty quick.
@Phooto Not bad. And as I’m doing it mostly to make the flat more saleable, I might “get back” some of the money, in a way…
@NoWireHangers Very exclusive design, by the way, because Helvetica owners pulled it from my Spreadshirt store for trademark infringement :D
@NoWireHangers My pleasure. Much rather it was with someone who’ll get use of it than hanging around at back of drawer.
@Phooto It was only, in the end, about £200 more than my imagined budget. But I may need to add more to get the floor sorted first. Sigh.
bristol247 Amazing live updated map showing all the planes in the sky - can you see Europe underneath if you zoom out? ow.ly/cAJ8r
@liveindetail I am in no way geared up for weddings! #scary #neveragain
@AThriftyMrsUK A1 926, I’d say.
Currently having a coffee while Kitchen Man produces a final quote which, I predict, will be a tad more than I was expecting.
This morning, I will mostly be finalising the details of a new kitchen. It’s needed doing since I moved in. In 1999.
@sugarenia Somewhere on here: itunes.apple.com/gb/album/isles… Probably Underworld/And I Will Kiss?
@Crackerwax Tell them to turn their phone off and call you back.
*Dies in deluge of emails and chirping Android devices*
Ah! That’s why it’s so bad. Importing iCal to Google Calendar adds alert reminders to all appointments, even if they already *had* alerts.
@lizpscully Oopsie. *very quiet sympathy*
@guriben Stapler juggling time!
@nineweeks @Bristol52 @hayles @MissEmmeline Well, I may give it another go now I’ve only got one episode of Dollhouse left :D
*Slowly tracks down beeping annoyances and looks for “shut the feck up” software settings.*
Moved from iCal to Google Calendar. Now there are *eight* devices chirping at me that it’s time to call @benjohnbarnes. #androiddevdownsides