@Thehappyfatgirl I need a foot massage. Clearly we need to top-and-tail.
Beeeeeeeeeeed! #bed
@chris_j_hughes It’s not mine. Rince brought it. Looks official.
@chris_j_hughes DVD
Today, I have mostly been walking through landscapes that look like this: flic.kr/p/cxAcX9 flic.kr/p/cxAooC flic.kr/p/cxA3VG :D
@Lillput @skeddy @teacherdude @Bristolvor *May be improved somewhat by alcohol.
.@skeddy @teacherdude @Bristolvor _Iron Sky_ summary so far: utterly preposterous, but not unfunny.
I appear to be watching _Iron Sky_. I am not sure if this is a good thing.
@stillawake @Ninja_lynneja It was lush. I took some snaps with the new camera, too, no idea how they’ll turn out… Sore feet, mind. 14km.
Peace in the valley. instagr.am/p/NHHhzNJC4u/
James checks the route. instagr.am/p/NHHhJ9pC4s/
We’ve come a long way :) instagr.am/p/NHHhTZJC4t/