@slicknic It was, but we left before the music started. Hope it was good!
@Juggzy Ah, okay. Sadly, didn’t stay to find out. Samba drumming not really my thing…
Dog. In a life jacket :) @claireellent instagr.am/p/NZOljZJC3A/
@Juggzy Nope, Ziragadum, apparently, and probably not.
@xabl Too full from mackerel and chips :). I agree, though. Had it the last time!
Spyglassing. @ Spyglass instagr.am/p/NY0IVeJC0P/
Rhythm. @ Queen Square instagr.am/p/NYtwhHJCxj/
Sitting on a hay bale with @MissEmmeline. instagr.am/p/NYbzbapC5p/