Oooh. New addition in @BaristasBristol: projection screen. pic.twitter.com/VANFNSIs
@talkie_tim I know my audience like Chewie knows the Kessel Run.
“Harbourside”, even. Blame my spelling on the date :) Also, thanks for walk inspiration, @BlackDogDays!
Out for a harborside walk. instagr.am/p/Mqg0Q8JCws/
@BradleyLaw Geeky activity/sleep tracker. fitbit.com
Primary school across the road are clearly doing “We Will Rock You” in a percussion lesson. My tea is shaking like Sulu’s in Star Trek VI.

New toy. :) #fitbit pic.twitter.com/HX5CmN8Z
@Ninja_lynneja Yes, I was first introduced to that rather odd lighting concept at Swindon station’s lavvies. Not good.
@word_geek True. But so is a deep tissue massage, so it won’t be a wasted hour :D
@zen_habits Looks like your site’s down at the moment, though it seems unlikely I’m the first to mention it…
@Mouse_House No worries. Scrambled eggs are surprisingly hard to do well consistently. Well done!
@Mouse_House But damn, they look good. If I hadn’t just had a bacon sarnie I’d be drooling :)
@Mouse_House They carry on cooking for a bit after you take them off the heat, so the trick is to pull them off just before they look ready.
@Thehappyfatgirl [[[MANHUG]]]
@word_geek Thanks! Sadly, that’s the one hour of today when I’ve a prior engagement :(
@word_geek Nope. Local place, recommended by friends who’ve used them before. Was a lovely bloke, too.
stuheritage Eric Sykes has died. Here’s all of The Plank: youtu.be/H2RoudtrVv8
Ah, @Rosemarino1 won “Best Breakfast In Bristol”? Well-deserved. Hope this doesn’t mean I won’t be able to get a seat next time I go!
@BlackDogDays But thanks. Let me know if you want a coffee brought round later in the week :D
@BlackDogDays Luckily, I have some BTP beans in the house. Might need a second cup to get myself through the morning…
Right. Half-hour of admin, until nice man comes to see about selling me a new kitchen.
@ahnlak I’m sure they’ll integrate its features into Google+ in some odd and annoying way, though. ALL MUST BE CONSUMED.
@BlackDogDays No. And I was just getting back into exercise when I went down with this man flu, too. Not helping. Sigh.
@BlackDogDays Yes. I will be walking today, too. In fact, may be making a vow to do an hour of exercise per day until I’ve lost some weight.

dignut Here is the best thing you’ll see all day: a patient has brought me in a picture of her hamster eating spag bol. pic.twitter.com/tqkfhpSJ
@archidave It probably means I should shower if I’m going out :D
It’s a “boson”, people, not a “bosun”. Finding a bosun is not that hard, even in this day and age.
I imagine that at the Sortation Hub, each parcel is put under a hat to find out where it deserves to be delivered.

Woo. Delivery company in “really helpful tracking info” shocker. Though I’m still scared by the word “sortation”. pic.twitter.com/T2Hspadp
I am thinking of decluttering. Possibly the XKCD way: xkcd.com/1077/
@Mouse_House Let’s put it like this: I don’t buy Variety Packs if they have those in :) But don’t let me put you off.
@Mouse_House Not the “multi-grain shapes”? Ugh.