@aaronsw (And I can still login to icloud.com as <me>@mac.com…)
@aaronsw All my old @mac.com mail got auto-redirected to <same>@iCloud.com mail, after the interlude that was MobileMe, if that helps?
@blunt_knives @Bristol_Culture In that case, I’d call Park Street “Upper Hotwells” :D
@Bristol_Culture Hrm. “Nearly.”?
@mhoulden @Juggzy @andrewjnorman @nalsa One of my regulars is Rosemary Chicken: recipes.gothick.org.uk/Chicken_with_R…
@rabidbee Well, it could have been a lot worse than his back, at least.
@rabidbee Ooopsie.
@rabidbee Draw a nice shape on yourself with the repellent and at least you’ll get a mozzie tattoo.
They did *what* with the Korean flag? Sorry, is this the real Olympics, that parody show, or an episode of Yes, Minister?
Just escorted a daddy long-legs from the premises. Much bigger and I’d have needed to hire a fork-lift.
@waiyeehong Oooh, nice.
@LynnCherylEde I don’t type so well when my head is hurting from the noise. Bah.
Unless, of course, someone actually *is* trying to steal Hotwells Primary School.
@nicepaul This is why mine retains the James the Engine sticker over the apple, from the last big group holiday I was on…

In amongst the bills, company stuff and Virgin Media spam there are occasionally pleasant and inoffensive missives. pic.twitter.com/SnZmLTug
@ollieflips GRRRR.
Christ’s sake, Google. *You* foisted the Jeffrey Archer novel on me. I immediately deleted it. Stop recommending more of them! #nexus7
ckh2oman .@gothick If I heard my drive making chipmunk noises I’d shoot it on sight. #chipmunkinfestation #worsethanitsounds
Though SSD will be faster, I find the whirr-and-chipmunk noises of a healthy backup drive pleasantly reassuring.
@jamesclay You too? I had this one: discussions.apple.com/message/156592…
Going to do a full backup of this Mac before installing Mountain Lion. Because that gives me a reason to use the laptop in garden instead.
@claireellent Plus: Wind chill. Not sure about the uphill bits, though.
@claireellent Still worthy of respect. I just walked up Brandon Hill and I nearly died.
@Thehappyfatgirl Nope. Only come out for lunch, so little danger of burn.
Confirmed: @VeeDoubleMoo’s ice cream is lush. Now to go cool off somewhere for a while. Brandon Hill is tough walk on day like this!
@Thehappyfatgirl Pretty lovely. Got far too bloody hot getting here, though. *Melts faster than his ice cream*
Sorted. instagr.am/p/NgTQ7ipC87/
@Ninja_lynneja Just saw someone walk past looking clearly *really* “happy” to be wearing a travel ad T-shirt…
Pausing for a photo. Not because I need a breather halfway up. Oh no. instagr.am/p/NgPd0JpC7v/
Right. I need a walk. Might balance the exercise by going to Brandon Hill and having an ice cream :D
@SwiftKey Is there a way to get a dedicated apostrophe key on UK keyboard? I’m so used to typing them I’d rather not use autocorrection.
Hurrah! Last year I had ice cream on Brandon Hill, and it was dreadful. But I had Vee Double Moo ice cream at weekend, and it was lush.
BristolBites Vee Double Moo wins high profile ice cream pitch at Brandon Hill Park ow.ly/ctUij
Grrr. Get Running isn’t posting to Facebook properly. If only Facebook’s Android app would just accept text like it *claims* to…
Hurrah. Coffee beans from @hasbean just arrived. Back to the Aeropress tomorrow.
(That last RT sadly only works if the car drivers who are about to kill you also know the rule, which seems rare.)
HighwayCodeGB If you’ve started to walk across the road and traffic wants to turn into it, you have priority - traffic should give way #HighwayCode rule 8
Very glad of my current freelance lifestyle today. *Sits in cool basement in shorts and a t-shirt*
@AThriftyMrsUK Goodness, no. I did maths as part of mine, and I’m fairly sure it just made me less confident about what numbers were.
@AThriftyMrsUK Can she count? She may have been duped by three other students.
@Thehappyfatgirl Oh! That reminds me. *Turns fan on*.
@guriben Happy birthday, youngster.
@stillawake @BoyfromBristol My Nan were a “Yorkshire lass” from birth to death, guess it’s similar…