@tyronem Yeah. And the longer you leave it, the more annoying it gets :(
Right. Time for my weekly review. The first in about a month. Bloody day jobs :D
@liveindetail Oh. I just didn’t care much. I just wanted the thing out of my flat.
@liveindetail I sold an exercise bike a couple of weeks ago. It was a doddle.
mikedunn Man finds haul of expensively tailored clothes in basement. Clothes fit. Clothes were Paul Newman’s. petegamlen.tumblr.com/post/329449956…
@hayles Tweeché!
.@Indiechops …and a small adjustment when the coriander started burning. Not used to the new oven!
.@Indiechops It’s mostly this: bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/5074/c… but with a bit of improv on the ingredients…
@liveindetail The Snug of Navarone #RubbishWarFilms
@mjh53 I’d say yes. Down is limited by gravity.
More from the “stuff on fish” theme tonight. #usingstuffup #cooking instagr.am/p/Qh5FFcJCwL/
@BenPark ‘s’working for me. Twitter sucks.

Wet? Nah. It’s lovely out. pic.twitter.com/UadLw4QO
annapickard Recipes in a ‘Cooking for children’ section should warn you if they require things you don’t have. Like 3 hours, 8 arms and a fucking nanny.
@hayles My helmet’s a Giro and is nice and comfy. No idea if it works, luckily ;)
@hayles Kryptonite D lock; choose one priced at 10%+ of the bike’s value. Maybe plus a cable lock to secure the wheels.