@tsunimee Yup. ;)
That’s a base coat of paint on the bare plaster in the kitchen. *mops brow*. Sleep soon, for I’ve a bicycle maintenance course tomorrow!
@tsunimee I’d guess “pigsty”.
Me? Painting a ceiling? Yes! I have been. How *did* you know? instagr.am/p/Qsi-JzpC8X/
@talkie_tim You need 9 hours? I could do *hundreds* of stupid things in that time.
@MsMottram @BlackDogDays also: *gawd* that looks nice.
@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Excellent work. If neither of you fall ill in the next week or so, I will grace them with my presence after that.
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@BlackDogDays probs not, sadly. Got to fit in kitchen painting around a bike maintenance course…
@Thehappyfatgirl I’m honoured :D
@waiyeehong @hayles @mattycurry Irregular verb: I’m sassy; you’re stroppy; she is being detained under section 2 of the Public Order Act.
@liveindetail Good for biking in, then…
@liveindetail Great. Now my “Inspired by your recently viewed items” looks *very* odd.