@shezza_t B-flat Coli, I’d suspect…
MarkSkinner_ Sigh, after a frustrating ‘argument’ with a couple of the Bristol Bath Cycle path, can someone clarify which side you should cycle on?
To sail beyond the sunset… instagr.am/p/Q2Y1YxJCyA/
@Mouse_House Yes. Sadly, I’m only going to get myself a room to use as an office and more light by moving further away :(

greenhaze Are you KIDDING me Daily Mail? You do realise that Hilary Clinton is one of the most powerful ppl in the world? pic.twitter.com/csksDvQ4 *weep*
iBosNZ I might, and this is just a preliminary estimate, be quite desperately sad: twitpic.com/b4lt15
A bag of spanners/
Emptied into a blender/
506 bus sounds. #wessexconnect #haiku
There’s a seriously high high tide today. Unless it’s not actually high tide. In which case… RUN#bristolol
Temptations on the way to work… instagr.am/p/Q1XkCWJC0w/