Sod 4G. Does the analogue TV switchoff mean they can turn up DAB power enough for me to get Radio 4 in my flat at last?
My parents are spending Christmas in Istanbul. Since my stepmum told me, my brain has put “Istanbul Not Constantinople” on loop. #earworm
@rhodri This one might have been the one I had:…
@rhodri Ooooh, I had one of those, too. “Spycraft”?
@tsunimee I’m *fairly* certain you’re female.
Today was mostly devoted to getting this label officially removed. Luckily that went well…
@Thehappyfatgirl No, I’m straight. Though it’s all very theoretical at the moment, anyway.
@Thehappyfatgirl I was just about to start my riposte with “Now then…” Perhaps I should give up while I’m behind :D
@hayles I believe my friend @KellySibson recently suggested “Januhairy” as a unisex excess hair celebration month.
@Thehappyfatgirl Though I should, of course, have said “women”, there, not girls, lest someone mistake me for Jimmy Savile.
@Thehappyfatgirl No, I like girls. Well, if we’re talking “LIKE” like :D
Suggested hashtag: #zyngone
@benjohnbarnes What the heck is “de-shnizled”?
@Thehappyfatgirl Apparently not. Oh well. Wrong sex for me, anyway :D
@AlexHamlin Ah! That would explain it. Sorry, didn’t recognise your name — was more thinking about the office jobs I’ve done!
Hrm. Why has someone I don’t think I know endorsed me on LinkedIn?
parryphernalia @gothick it’s going to be OK. We still have this!
Awww. Bye bye, Ceefax.…
@MandinaM It was pretty nice. :D
@guriben @stillawake Also: I predict Amazon PR will soon finally wake up and do something to explain/fix the latest debacle, at least.
@guriben @stillawake I probably would if I could be arsed. But I can’t.
@stillawake @guriben I think comparing Calibre with chips is terribly unfair on chips.
@guriben @stillawake I’m actually tempted to write my own “do some of the simple things people want to do” UI for the command-line stuff.
@guriben @stillawake The re-deliver/auto-archive will only work as long as Amazon don’t just close your account for no apparent reason :/
@stillawake @guriben …which has possibly the worst user interface of anything I’ve used in the last decade.
@stillawake @guriben There are Ways, all of which are technically illegal, of course. More to the point, I believe they involve Calibre…
@guriben Did it sound like the future arriving?
@mattgemmell Well, it’s all right for some. You wouldn’t believe the problems I’m having trying to get a Kindle edition of _Amish Monthly_.
Hurrah! Gas fitter en route. Might have a working hob again in a couple of hours.
@Jorence Oh. Goodness. Sorry to hear about your mum.
brianblessed I’m launching my new @audioBoo channel on Friday. If you’ve got suggestions for boos let’s hear them #brianboo
@waiyeehong This is a leftovers-houmous. I used all the garlic in the house.
Middle class? Moi? *continues making houmous*