Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 4th, 2012

@stillawake The Turkish place on the quiet side (Oz?) is nice and often overlooked.

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NRE_GWR NEW: Delays between Bath Spa and Bristol Temple Meads until further notice. A person has been hit by a train …

via NRE_FirstGW (retweeted on 6:40 PM, Oct 4th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@StephenEThomas Sorry. Guns used by other characters still counts. Otherwise there’s Sixth Sense, too…

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@Thehappyfatgirl Yes, but I’ve not really got anywhere in this flat to keep her guide dog.

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@PeteWilliams When I did that, I had my shit electric shower replaced with an awesome mixer from the new combi. BONUSTASTIC.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Thank you! Just the walls to do, and then decide how funky a colour to use for the glass splashback behind the hob…

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Apologise, even.

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I might go and use my WOK BURNER for the very first time. If you soon smell singed eyebrows in Hotwells, I apologies.

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@hatsandbikes Er. He only has one “l”, sadly.

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Hrm. I don’t have much money left now I’ve paid for this kitchen. *Turns bank account upside down and shakes*

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@ahnlak Somehow I’ve got to put that back in. Preferably without buggering up the new lino. Might wait for a mate to come round…

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@BenPark I can actually see both of the pics. Odd!

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@BenPark I’m basically treading the “plain and inoffensive so more people might want to buy the flat” line, myself…

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@archidave I’d prefer that to be the question.

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word_geek @gothick Has anyone seen that romcom he did years ago. With a blond, to whom he was married? *IMDBs* The Story of Us. May be gun free

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liz_buckley I’m collecting up all the spare Ls from Miliband & Savile tweets and making a new village in Wales.

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DalekMP There is no easy way to say this: We made a pledge not to invade the Earth. We didn’t stick to it. For that I feel no emotion whatsoever.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:42 PM, Oct 4th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@sarcastathon There’s a joke about wood here that’s probably too obvious to make.

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@curtismark Voice acting doesn’t count, sorry!

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@ianmcshane The one with the double-barrelled shotgun? ;)

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@ianmcshane Not mentioned on the Wikipedia page, if he was…

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.@nickbrompton Just found a still from Armageddon, with gun.…

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“@nickbrompton: @gothick colour of night - dodgy erotic thriller with jane march…” <— Haven’t seen it. Colleague has vague gun-memory… Hmm.

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@Ninja_lynneja I haven’t heard of that one. But no, I’m not counting voice acting…

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No, for the purposes of the question, voice acting (eg Look Who’s Talking) does not count. Sorry.

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Random question: has Bruce Willis ever appeared in a film that doesn’t have any guns in it?

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cox_tom Almost certainly the best photo of a cat levitating, while another cat looks on, amazed, that you will see this week:

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