@Phooto He was whatever the modern equivalent of CORGI is. Gas Safe? Never met him; supplied by kitchen supplier…
@talkie_tim …fella, even. Too eager on the return key :)
@talkie_tim Bah. Sorry to hear it, fa
@Bingo_Little With cheese and HP sauce. #justme?
@johnfbraun Well, at least I have beer. *downs pint*
Also: spoke just broke on bike cycling back from the shops. What’s next!?

Dammit. Still, all safe now, anyway. And leak very minor. pic.twitter.com/eplyqckw
@skeddy Since new kitchen, we reckon, but only small leak. Smell got lost in general “new kitchen” aroma. All safe now, at least.
Won’t be using my shiny new hob for a few days, then. :( Gas leak confirmed.
COME ON GASMAN. #shoutyfriday

O2 *Facepalm* pic.twitter.com/oK3gswkR
SkyNewsBreak 31-year-old man arrested after 11 people, including children, were injured in a series of road traffic collisions in Cardiff
Waiting for National Grid emergency gas team. My Friday night is rockin’. Don’t think there’s big danger. #bettersafethansorry
@DelroyHibbert @stillawake One pint of Bath Ales’ Barnstormer :D
@stillawake @DelroyHibbert I ONLY HAD ONE!

A steamy scene from my day. Oh, wait. No. It’s a steamery scene. pic.twitter.com/TlEIAm3a
@theshinythings No, no. Safely back for my last day in the office.
@theshinythings Well, Wetherspoons start serving at 9am…
@meemalee Yeah. Same knights. They got about a bit.
@stillawake Yeah. Forgot I wasn’t meant to be drinking.
@meemalee Nah. Temple Quay, Bristol, just round the back of Bristol Temple Meads.
Supergonzo? @ The Knights Templar (Wetherspoon) instagr.am/p/Q9R3dRJCyo/
Oopsie. instagr.am/p/Q9OlmFpCxm/
@csoanes I’m on intermediate maintenance course next month. Hopefully will know more about gears after that!
@csoanes Might well be the prob. But not her fault; secondhand bike she bought a fortnight ago.
@guriben Sigh. Wish I’d had time. She had to cycle off to work. Luckily she works opposite bike shop. Damnit. Another five mins…
I adjusted Emm’s ropey gears on her bike last night. They’re now so bad she can’t change going uphill. Oops. #badmatt