@mhoulden Aga don’t.
I don’t know whether the beans in this grinder are straight or decaf. #costaricanroulette #doifeellucky
@bertpalmer Well, that’s what it looks like from a search, anyway. I don’t use gmail…
@bertpalmer Everyone’s gmail is down.
Have to say, I’m quite surprised anyone noticed that Google+ is down.
@LordHyperbole The beer really is very good. Was a bit quiet at lunchtime, but it doesn’t need many people in there to create atmosphere.
pennockd it’s actually trick XOR treat
@rossoh “Would you like to see the ‘Picard Manoeuvre’?”
@tsunimee Is he eager to see you in costume?
@doctorow You don’t buy four breezeblocks in London. You just find them in your garage.
Can’t quite believe I was just served a web page by a ZX81. zx81-siggi.endoftheinternet.org/index.html
@guriben Just as well, given what I drank at Brewdog. Think I’ll be doing marketing rather than programming this afternoon…
waiyeehong I asked very nicely for removal of stolen image. RT @justseaweed: @waiyeehong will do and will allso remove product for sale #getalife
@justseaweed Wow. You’re quite unpleasant, aren’t you?
@claireellent No. You and me both. #eww

cluedont RT @paulj85: That #awkward moment when you’re dressed like an Oyster card pic.twitter.com/OXc2e4sY (via @danbeames)
@stillawake Yur. Warren’s. Though I’d be happy to try Dan’s, too, if you fancy it?
.@claireellent I’m told - and I’m now a bit queasy - that no squirrels were actively harmed in the bottling, as… they used roadkill. :/
“The End of History” bottle. #christalmighty #thesepeoplearemad @ Brewdog Bristol instagr.am/p/RcsXdnJC6y/
Brewdog AB:10. Wow. @ Brew Dog instagr.am/p/RcobttJC4S/
@stillawake Also: @Atomicburgers?
@stillawake I’m going in.
Someone fetch me a clipboard and a lack of empathy.
Standing around on Bristol Bridge. For some reason this makes me want to assail complete strangers and ask for their bank details.

O HAI BREWDOG. pic.twitter.com/BVgKq985
@gilescoren I was convinced I could drive really well on the way home, though. Wonder if there’s increase in accidents in Bond release week?
gilescoren Decent bog-standard Bond film, I thought. Left me feeling, as usual, flabby, under-travelled, sexually naive and pathetically undangerous.