About to watch _The Guard_.
@KellySibson I hope that was a typo and not a Freudian slip. I’m not *that* old!
@IanAxton Jesus. Wonder what a Disrespect candidate would’ve done…
@Bristol_Culture “And in a surprise late entry, David Essex has been voted Mayor of Bristol…”
Starting to worry now. I mean, *I’ve* been on the BBC. And I did have a sexual encounter with a teenage girl in the 1980s.
meemalee OMG, the new #Shatoetry app lets you record messages in William Shatner’s voice lat.ms/YsEZw4
@Juggzy Oh, shite.
@stillawake @Bristol_Culture Being yelled at?
mattgemmell iOS 6.0.1 is out. Fixes the keyboard horizontal-lines glitch, amongst other stuffs.
@Thehappyfatgirl I respect both of them as gifted actors. But there’s more drool involved in my respect for Ruth. :D
@Thehappyfatgirl She plays a very scary girl in _Luther_. See if you can catch the first series somewhere. It’s full-on Idris.
@Thehappyfatgirl I’ve liked Idris since I first saw him in _Ultraviolet_. Great show.

@Thehappyfatgirl There you go. pic.twitter.com/tolVfPqM
@Thehappyfatgirl Though with Luther and Alice, chances are good we’ll both be dead in a week. Might still be worth it.
@Thehappyfatgirl Fine. You have Idris, I’ll have Ruth.
@guriben @waiyeehong 802.11OINK.
Gah. Still no news on whether Alice Morgan will return as the sexiest psychopath on TV, though. #luther
bbcluther Wotcher. Missed our exciting news about series 3? Well here’s the film again, for your viewing pleasure… bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01…
@guriben Test it before you settle in, but they definitely rolled it out at some point, and I hadn’t heard of them rolling it back.
@guriben I think most of St. Nick’s has free Wi-Fi now, if that helps.
Qunt_Magazine Bloody hell. I’m boldly bashing off a big bolshy bitch-batch of my banging beef bourguignon with a buzzing baton of rustic bread. Bosh.
@ahnlak You really must :)
@talkie_tim @nigellegg @stillawake Thanks, all. Hard to get a different view of the cathedral…
@tyronem Hope they turn you back on soon.

Aha. @papadeli at the RWA has a couple of sofas now. Bonus. *settles in for study session* pic.twitter.com/L6XRibJA
Clifton. instagr.am/p/RfTsMxpC-q/
Three-pin-plug. @ Worcester Terrace instagr.am/p/RfOveepC7i/
@Thehappyfatgirl Sweet!
Hello Downs. instagr.am/p/RfOBnmpC7E/
Wandering up the hill for lunch. instagr.am/p/RfMvX9JC6i/
@tyronem Good morning. How are things? Got electricity yet?
@chrismarquardt I want a party photobot that responds to flushing skin tones and only photographs embarrassing moments.
@Thehappyfatgirl That’s an Etch-a-Sketch, not a laptop. Nice try, though.
Reading “Learning iOS Programming”. In the Kindle app on the Nexus 7. I feel a bit naughty. #crossplatform