@MsMottram Heh. That usage was in a book I read as a teenager, and it took me a while to find out what it meant!
@liveindetail @MsMottram @chubbybannister @waiyeehong I withdraw my input.
Oh, thank God. Figured out how to block all Facebook app requests from a specific person.
@MsMottram @liveindetail @chubbybannister @waiyeehong It’s a (slightly archaic, now) slang term for condoms.
@MsMottram @liveindetail @chubbybannister @waiyeehong They do for the definition of “fishskins” I always think of when I hear the phrase!
@DTraynier @stillawake There may be exceptions written into contract for extreme circumstances, e.g. gross misconduct, violence at work, etc
@DTraynier @stillawake Not as far as I’m aware. Getting sacked doesn’t affect the notice period. gov.uk/dismissal/over…
@DTraynier @stillawake Or am I missing the point?
@DTraynier @stillawake Is it different? In my last job I was on three months notice period. If sacked, would’ve had three months pay.
@EffBeeee A neurologist, probably.
@emma_cossey I always imagine a ceiling-high pile of junk and unwashed dishes, just behind the camera.
UnlikelyWorlds ‘Don’t Count on a Star Trek Future. Ever.’ Physicists and physics students answer 20 questions about the future: bit.ly/Xyjigk
@zinziii You wrote that about me, didn’t you?
Thank you for the tea, @BlackDogDays! Nice to meet you, @MsMottram!
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram We’re on our way to you. Roughly, at the mo!
@MsMottram @BlackDogDays bah! Grain Barge not open until midday.
Roight. Off to the Galley for a pleasant break from battling with Xcode.
*puts change in pocket* *change falls down trouser leg, bounces off shoes* *curses* *changes trousers*

@Thehappyfatgirl Just for you. pic.twitter.com/swqErfs6
@hayles Luckily, he’s late, too. #handycoincidence
@liveindetail I imagine so. Most things that begin with “nitr-” but don’t end with “-ogen” burn pretty well, in my experience.
Bugger. I was up at half six today. How did I just manage to be late for work. When I work from home?
@Thehappyfatgirl Or do you just want instructions on how to dress as a Frenchman? :D
@Thehappyfatgirl What, the video? Sadly, I don’t think you can anymore. Dailybooth and Pummelvision both closed down now.
@liveindetail Don’t forget to change into sacrificial clothes.
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram There should be hireable sherpas on the Hotwell Road to return us to the foothills of Clifton.
I also used my DailyBooth feed when I was learning jQuery. Here’s a Square of Matt. Click on “More Matt” :D : dailybooth.gothick.org.uk/squareofmatt.h…
@liveindetail …and “bastard annoying” is usually best coped with at home!
@liveindetail Home, then, if it’s easy to pick up. Esp. as it’s the kind of job that can range from “easy peasy” to “bastard annoying”.
@Thehappyfatgirl Naturellement! C’est toujours amusant!
@liveindetail I’d say that call depends on whether there’s somewhere warm and dry to fix it at work…
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram Loverly. See you all there.
@twinkleboi I saw my doppelgänger at a Fish concert once, a couple of rows in front of me. Very odd, staring at the back of my own head.
@Thehappyfatgirl Apart from the “naked” bit, yes.
A year of me on #dailybooth, mostly first thing in the morning: vimeo.com/23084528
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram It certainly looks like a good day for elevenses to me. As long as you’re not going to get soaked on the way down!
.@dailybooth is closing. I’d stopped using it, but I might leave the live feed up on second screen today for nostalgia. thenextweb.com/insider/2012/1…
@Mouse_House Morning, dear.