@jacintuk I just hope he’s added me to the Circle “People who can’t remember whether they’ve read one of my books or not.”
Do you wish to proceed? tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/360601807… #diehard
John Grisham added me on Google+? Random.
@andybeebristol Haven’t got one for my own co. On old one, company matched my donation - presume tax break for it, but not sure.
@guriben @stillawake @hatsandbikes Hang on, I’ve got it written down on a bit of paper. #bluebottle
@guriben @hatsandbikes @stillawake Don’t you frow that blahdy spear at me!
@stillawake I eat early compared to most of my friends as it is…

Tonight’s meal prompted by my more nature-aware walking companions spotting the watercress we passed yesterday… pic.twitter.com/pUDTHc24
@hayles Ah, it becomes clear. Ta!
@hayles The writing on the box, the pony and the new cartons are there. Feels like I’m missing a “disaster” picture?
@hayles What was the “this happened” in your latest blog?