@EffBeeee Probably as soon as the registrar sobers us up.
@EffBeeee Pretty sure I can’t tell the difference.
@EffBeeee No way. You might drink my gin.
@jamesakadamingo If it’s any help, I got mine from here: freesim.o2.co.uk/freesim/?campa… …in exactly those circumstances. Took three days.
@Thehappyfatgirl @Ninja_lynneja I often have that effect on women in bed.

@Ninja_lynneja @Thehappyfatgirl This is how the photo sequence goes in my mind. pic.twitter.com/LL2BEvGZ
@michaeltorbert Occasionally. I gave someone one as the modern equivalent of a “mix tape” a while back…
mattgemmell This must be a joke, surely. Surely. Or illegal. sponsorascholar.co.uk/scholarships-f…
@waiyeehong It can barely cope with checking the weather or understanding the word “home”; I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
@Ninja_lynneja *snigger*
@Bristolvor For three hours.

That wasn’t bad. pic.twitter.com/8TT3X7rF
@Jorence Er, okay. *Steps outside*. Fuck, it’s cold! *Steps back inside*. *Turns heating up*.
Sometimes, posh nosh just isn’t what you want. #jacketspudcheeznbeenz
@liveindetail Just make sure it’s not the low-calorie variant. #barf
@Thehappyfatgirl At most, I’m metrosexual.
@liveindetail There’s probably one in there somewhere.
@Thehappyfatgirl Sadly, tonight it’s lazy baked potato night, and it’s already been in an hour.
@charlesarthur …though in practice I’ve not noticed much in the way of repeated non-detected spam, so I’ve not had to write much myself.
@charlesarthur I like the “both” option. Fastmail has good auto filters plus manual filtering including regexps…
@Thehappyfatgirl Come on round. I’ll make tea and shout if you put anything too useful on the recycling pile.
@archidave There are strange noises from the back. And I think I saw a Yeti earlier.

I have procrastinated enough. Time to start clearing out the Alcove of Doom. pic.twitter.com/q8E7EAMp
@claireellent Maybe I’m down to just the criminal element. Also have persistent idiot desperate to get me a grant for loft insulation.
@claireellent Most seem to be from call centres in other countries; doubt there’s much British law could do about that :(
@claireellent After the first twenty or so of those, I plumped for simple obscenity and disconnection. Not sure where to take it next…
I should be Doing Stuff. I am not Doing Stuff. It may be time to have a cup of tea.
@hayles What if we all go and be antiwanky together?
brendlewhat tautologists gonna tautologize
Mmmmm. Sharon fruit.

@chrisphin Dunno. Lemmy think about that for a minute. pic.twitter.com/oQeHjwPr
Might be time to head for @BaristasBristol…
@BlackDogDays @Bristol_Culture @stillawake I plan on challenging him to single combat in the hopes of inheriting his lifestyle.
engadget Google hustles Android 4.2.1 onto Nexus devices to give you December back - engt.co/SqMAIN
@BlackDogDays Hotwell Road. If you think some odd bloke leered uncertainly at you from a mini, that was me. Didn’t look too harassed…
ahnlak @gothick very disappointed to find that this is, in fact, a biscuit and not an iced euphemism
Lady Biscuit. instagr.am/p/SiLPxppC8R/
Just passed a @BlackDogDays :)
@KaveyF Given that, I’d certainly leave it unapproved. Might be worth getting in touch with reviewed place, warn them?
@KaveyF What country is the originating IP address in? And can you send an “automated” email to address to see if it bounces?