@Easybourne Kewl. Enjoy! The green curry is pretty good, from what I remember.
@Easybourne …Thai at the Old Fish Market for surprisingly-good. But I’d probably still eat somewhere more waterfronty, personally.
@Easybourne Oh, and don’t eat there. If you want to eat nearby, cross the street and go Hotcha for dirt-cheap-OK, or…
@Easybourne Eees very nice. But don’t try the 18% Tokyo. Tastes like cough mixture, I’m told.
Breading some chicken…
@Easybourne (If desired, drop into the swanky new Brewdog pub as you do so :D )
@Easybourne You probably just passed my old workplace :D To head for the Centre, cross Bristol Bridge, then go down Baldwin Street.
@Easybourne (Which is also near the Watershed, if you want to take in a decent film…) goo.gl/maps/80MbL
@Easybourne @PbnowD Yep. Bristol’s great for an evening stroll. If you want refreshment, try No. 1 Harbourside.
It’s National Freelancers Day in the UK. I celebrated by working from the Folk House cafe, with a flapjack. A blow for freedom!
@hatsandbikes Arse. I shall delay my cooking by a half-hour lest I accidentally turn on my kitchen radio out of habit.
@guriben Nor I. I lost a fair bit more when Oolite became my preferred Christmas-avoidance tactic a couple of years back, too…

Heh. @drewwagar’s Kickstarter just prompted me to dig out a little part of my childhood. #elitedangerous pic.twitter.com/KSxRp0ZQ
And this is why I should do my weekly review more often. Who recommended The Asteroids Galaxy Tour to me on Hallowe’en, I wonder…
@Phooto And I’m already tempted to use a hand gesture when people ask me for a reward card. Bonus!
@Phooto I’m pretty sure it would even out. I think reward cards are just an annoying net loss all round…
@benjohnbarnes I still have mine.
@Phooto But, if stuff was cheaper, you’d have more money to spend on Amazon…
@benjohnbarnes It’s only the meta that has my pledge so far :)
And there was hayles assuming I was going to Instagram my coffee. Ha! It’s TEA! instagr.am/p/SS57EFpC3E/
Wouldn’t it be amazing if there were some kind of loyalty card amnesty where all stores withdrew them and just made stuff a bit cheaper…
(Farmers only?) instagr.am/p/SS1i4NpC0r/
@hayles I can see why you’re in finance and I’m in poverty.
@hayles Only if you give me cake.
@hayles Oh. That might explain why I no longer have money.
@hayles There’s a difference?
Right. Off to work from a cafe and escape the Next Door’s Hammering Of Doom.
@rabidbee What? I thought it was the Lord Mayor. They’ve not both got it, have they?
@danfairs Careful. Fairly sure people have died trying to solve that one.
Wednesday is my “keep clear so I can do focused work” day. It is also the day someone is sledgehammering something next door. D’oh.
EliteDangerous An author’s kickstarter, to raise money for his pledge to the Elite:Dangerous kickstarter: kickstarter.com/projects/12450… #elitedangerous
betty_watson Chaos at temple meads. Trains being cancelled all over the shop. #flooding

I think I’m starting to see why commuters are having trouble this morning. RT @Knibbsey: Further up Stroud Road. pic.twitter.com/T2PhtRvZ
@cargowire I think I prefer kissing gates.
thingsfromhere the rent’s going up quite a lot, so y’all need to come in and spend some money please. Also, unlike Amazon, we have to pay taxes
Made myself a second coffee. Now actually starting work. #runninglate
SkyNews Fat Duck Chefs Killed In Hong Kong Car Crash bit.ly/TWx733
@DrHairbear The only person I knew with gallstone problem is now very happily gallstone and gallbladder free, if that helps at all…
Gosh, some of those shots are way OTT. Mind you, I’d only just started using an SLR back then. Learning both photography and process…
I especially used to like the evening commuter run on the Bristol Ferry on winter nights. Video: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
In 2008 I got to know #Bristol Ferry team while taking snaps for potential postcards. Public for the first time today: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@Bristol_Culture I have heard this from a couple of fairly close connections :(