@asic69 It’s a little too well-screwed-together and a little too brand new for me to be opening it, I fear.
“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so…” Advice from Lazarus Longtumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/357327089…U#bristolmayoror
@johnfbraun (So it’ll build pretty graphs on web & also know your billing plan & display your usage by money as well as kWh…)
@johnfbraun this is quite sweet. Wireless read of inductive meter clipped to house power line, and sync via Mac app to power company.
benfraserlee This fake Windows 95 tips tumblr is creepy and a bit brilliant: windows95tips.tumblr.com
One of the bin men is singing to _Angels_ at the top of his voice. Well, I say “singing”. All the bottles he’s recycling just shattered.
@mhoulden I’ve told you you don’t need to make tea while the fan heater’s on in there.
My new gadget, courtesy of Southern Electric. My flat is consuming 2kW at the mo. bloody tumble drier. instagr.am/p/SAzwogpC9c/
SerenaHaywood Aah, @EverydaySexism. Cold caller peeved I didn’t want their service, asked to talk to ‘the man of the house’. I gave phone to my 6 yr old.

The Android “I’m updating my firmware” robot is quite cute. pic.twitter.com/CgrTB72y
popey Brilliant. Old IBM PC implemented in JavaScript. jsmachines.net
laurenlaverne I cant be bothered with pedant’s today
Especially as I don’t have a loft.
It’s surprising how many robots want me to insulate my loft for free. #phonespam
@benjohnbarnes Try the new iPad Mixi — thin at one end, thick at the other!
@nineweeks That does not seem like a terribly controversial statement…
@benjohnbarnes Oooh, good call. I love sourdough.
I think I may have been brainwashed by all the leaflets. Definitely voting George Ferguson for Police and Crime Commissioner tomorrow.