@claireellent I have a hat. I’m not entirely sure that should qualify me for high office.
@tsunimee So sad. *hug*
@njj4 I live in a strange city…
BristolCouncil Job vacancy: Assistant Pirate bit.ly/YCSRVL #lovebristol #lovepirates
Simple, but effective. #pieminister instagr.am/p/RvRZZfpC1m/
@Ihnatko Do you think it’ll be fixed before they kick podcasts out of the Music app completely?
@ironicsans Ah. Thought you might be up for buying a stopgap…
@ironicsans Aeropress.
@daycoder Yeah, well, “Learn iOS programming” is a bit intimidating as a “todo” item, isn’t it?
@daycoder …but again, haven’t got to the iOS bits. They’re how I kickstarted myself on Android, though.
@daycoder The Stanford course I’ve not tried yet; the Harvard Extension Schools videos (especially David Malan’s stuff) v. good…
@daycoder shop.oreilly.com/product/063692… stanford.edu/class/cs193p/c… cs76.tv/2012/spring/ among others. Book a bit dated, but just the right level for me.
@mhoulden I’ve already had about a decade of VB6. You can keep it.
Yowch. Full day of learning about iOS programming. Head a bit worn out.
@floyduk Could be. Are there any free movies you can try “buying” in the Store?
@charlie_cat_esq *sympathy* #wisdomtooth
I smell of Jeyes Fluid. Ugh. Still, at least my courtyard should now be algae-free. #suckyjobs
@floyduk …specifically mentioned rooting as the cause of my problems when I ran into it, though.
@floyduk Hrm. Unless it thinks you’re in the US now, and there’s a way of resetting that after the rooting… Odd. It definitely…
@floyduk Cool, ta. It might have been store purchase/download of video that it broke for me; can’t remember the details…
@benjohnbarnes No worries, dude. Off for flu jab at 10:30 tomorrow so call before then if you can.
@floyduk Rooting seems extreme, though. Does it still stop you playing Play Store video content?
@floyduk Still can’t quite believe neither Android nor iOS let you do that “legally” somehow…
“Oh, what’s the bloody *point*?” asked the tree… instagr.am/p/RutgqxJCxI/
@BlackDogDays Hurrah! Happy adventures!
@petedrinks That reminds me. Next time you’re up here, we should go to The Clifton Sausage. @KaveyF cliftonsausage.co.uk/clifton/ #BritishSausageWeek
@dangusset Indeed.
Aaaah. Canon finally release a great new lens product that I can actually afford. petapixel.com/2012/11/06/can…

If you’re going to get up late, do it in style, that’s what I say. pic.twitter.com/1pHffE74
@Mouse_House Do make sure you deliver your slap in person. If you rely on Yodel they’ll just leave half a slap in next door’s bin.
@RellyAB Ooh, porridge. Good call; forgot I had that option…
deflatermouse “I didn’t realise they could vote” says Mitt, tearfully pointing at binders full of women
@Ninja_lynneja I probably wouldn’t go anywhere else, just because there’s enough people I know still on LJ.