Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 30th, 2012

@BlackDogDays Twuntily loud, whatever they were.

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I must be really ill if I can’t spell “psychosomatically”. It’ll just be easier.

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What the hell was that?

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Hrm. Am I feeling psychsomatically rough because I’ve been hanging out with ill people, or am I actually ill?

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@paul_clarke I just Googled D60 to find out what the hell it was. Google helpfully provide lots of 60D results.

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@tsunimee Awww, shucks. Will reciprocate on the reading once I’m dry and dressed!

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@tsunimee :D Heh. You just winked at me while I was in the bath.

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bbcluther Calling all Luther fans - be part of our show and find your inner Alice! Find out how, here……

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@MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos @BlackDogDays Yes, indeedy. Might have to go back for some warmer food before the weekend’s out, though!

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So glad we decided to switch off _Step Brothers_ as soon as we figured out it was shit, and watched _Parked_ instead last night.

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En route to the Galley.

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@RellyAB Great. Now I’m going to have Transvision Vamp in my head all morning. Could be worse, I suppose…

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Mornin’ all. Curry and wine last night. Considering second coffee.

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